Facts about Parrotlets
Parrots when they are very young are referred to as parrotlets. Their bodies measure averagely five to six inches. The weight of an average bodied parrotlet is around 28 grams. Parrots are kept as pet birds by many people. Humans have seen the importance of rearing parrotlets in their homes. Many people like them because of their friendly nature and also the fact that one can train the parrot on various issues. Once there is a person in the compound the parrot will notify their owners. Those who have never had a chance to interact with them ask themselves various questions about the parrotlets.
Parrotlets are very beautiful pet birds to have in your compound. They are available in a variety of colors which are very easy to distinguish. In the world there are more than one species of the parrotlets and therefore have different colors. Some of the species of the parrots are expensive and rare to find. The Pacific parrot is the most available species of the parrotlets. There is a variety of colors for the different species of the parrots. Yellow faced parrotlets are very hard to find and where they are found they are very much expensive to buy.
Parrotlets have a big appetite which fuels it’s antique and the playful nature. Parrots like cracking nuts for fun and also exercising their beaks which is for that purpose. What is of the nuts could be their food when they open it. Natural supplements are also used as a way of feeding the parrotlets for proper growth. The parrotlets require a lot of energy for growth as compared to the already mature parrots. High sugar content foods are not suitable for parrotlets. Also food with high contents of fat should not be part of their diet.
Its good to always to attend to the pet birds. Provided the parrotlets are properly fed they don’t require too much attention. Fully grown parrots require around ten minutes attention from the owner for training. Parrotlets will feel comfortable in a cage with toys and other playful material provided there is enough space for play. Parrotlets don’t need company from other birds as they don’t bond well. Parrots are a territorial bird which only requires the attention of their owners and the attention of fellow parrots. Their houses should be made separate to that of other pets.
Parrotlets are aggressive to anything that seems to interfere with their personal space. Parrots are fearless and can be harmful to other pets if not well separated from each other. Kids and toddlers should not be allowed to disturb the parrots to avoid injuries. However the birds are friendly depending on the kind of interaction one has with them.